Sections are a great, easy way to organize and display content on your site.
Sections span the full width of your site, allowing you to space and customize its elements. They also adjust to your screen size, so visitors see all of your chosen content, whether on desktop or mobile.
You can build your site by adding as many sections as you like, and easily rearrange and edit them.
Adding a section to your site
Add a section to your site to begin structuring your pages and their content.
There are a range of pre-designed options available that include layouts and elements to help you build your site. You can also choose a blank section to build it from scratch.
To add a section:
Click Add a Section on the left side of the Editor.
Click a category.
Click your chosen section to add it to your page.
Naming your sections
Name your sections for quick and easy navigation. You can use section names to identify them in the layers panel.
If you choose to add a section to your menu, names are also a great way for your visitors to know what they're clicking on.
To name your section:
Hover over the section.
Click the More Actions icon .
Click Rename Section.
Enter the section name into the field and press the Enter key on your keyboard.
Adding sections to your menu
Adding sections to your menu is a great way to help your visitors navigate your site, and direct them to the right content.
Making sections a menu item is also particularly useful if you have a one-page site that contains a lot of information, as visitors will be able to find what they're looking for without having to scroll.
To add a section to your menu:
Click your site menu.
Click Manage Menu.
Click Add a Link at the bottom of the pages panel.
Click Section or Anchor.
Select the page the section is on from the dropdown menu.
Select the section from the dropdown menu.
Click Done.
Rearranging sections on your page
You can easily adjust the layout of your site page by rearranging your sections. Move sections up or down to arrange your site content, and provide an aligned, easy experience for your visitors.
To move a page section:
Click the Zoom Out icon on the top toolbar of the Editor.
Click the section, then click one of the arrows:
Move section down : Move the selected section below the section underneath it.
Move section up : Move the selection section above the section on top of it.