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Wix Editor: Adding a Link to an Element

Add links to elements on your site to help visitors navigate your content, and direct them to relevant and important content.

There are many types of links you can add, including page links, external URL links, and links to email addresses.

Types of links

There are a many types of links you can add to your elements to direct your site visitors to whatever content you like; including links to lightboxes, anchors, and external URLS.

Web address

Linking a web address is a quick and easy way to direct visitors to relevant or helpful content outside of your site. When your visitors click the element, they are directed to the web address you've added.


Linking to a site page can draw attention to important or relevant content on your site. When your visitors click the element, they are directed to the page you have chosen.

Section or anchor

Sections are the building blocks of your site, which you can use to organize, order, and display content. Anchors are invisible position markers you can place anywhere on your site's pages.

Link your elements to an anchor or section to bring your visitors directly to the relevant content on your chosen page.

Top / bottom of page

Add a link to either the top or bottom of the page. When your visitors click the element, they are taken to the top or bottom of the page that they are on.

Adding this link can make it easier for site visitors to navigate your pages, especially if they contain a lot of content.


Link to a document you've uploaded to your Wix site. When your visitors click the element, a new browser tab opens with the document.

Linking to documents makes it easier to display content such as PDFs and other files on your site.


You can add a link to a specific email address. When your visitors click the element, their default email account opens, and they can send an email directly to the address you have linked.

Linking to an email address is a great way to make it easier for site visitors to contact your or your business.

Phone number

Link to a phone number. When your visitors click the element on their mobile, they can call you instantly and directly from their device.


Link an element to a lightbox on your website. Linking to a lightbox is a fun and creative way of drawing visitors' attention to site content such as announcements and promotions. Learn more about lightboxes.


Adding a link to an element

Add links to a variety of elements including images, text, buttons, and vector art.

To add a link to an element:

  1. Click the Link icon .

  2. Select the link type and enter the details.

  3. Click Done.


Adding a link to your menu

Your site menu contains items that link to pages or page sections on your site. However, you can also link a menu item to another destination.

These links look like regular menu items, and you can name them whatever you like.

To link a menu item:

  1. Click Menus & Pages on the left side of the Editor.

  2. Click the Add a Link icon .

  3. Select the link type and enter the link details.

  4. Choose whether your link opens in a new window or the current window.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Enter the name for the menu item.


Adding links to galleries

Add links to the media in your galleries so that they open when a visitor clicks them. You can add links to media in both the Pro Gallery, and in a regular gallery.


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